You have chosen to set up an account for a new wholesaler. If you do not own, work for, or otherwise
represent a wholesaler, please go back to the
previous menu and make an appropriate selection. Individuals representing manufacturers, states, and
other entities must contact us for personal assistance with establishing accounts.
You will be prompted to supply your mobile phone number when setting up your wholesaler account.
Your mobile phone number is required, and is only used to protect against unauthorized access to
your account.
The first name, last name, title, mobile phone, email, and time zone entered must be individually and
personally specific to you. If multiple people in your organization need access to this system, please
contact us for assistance after your wholesaler account has been created.
Your new wholesaler account has been created. Before you can login, you must still complete the following steps:
Set up two-factor authentication. Check your text messages for information about setting up two-factor authentication with Twilio Authy. If you did not receive a text message, you can install Twilio Authy from the App Store or Google Play Store on your mobile device.
Set a password. Check your email for information about setting your password. If you did not receive an email, you can use the Reset Password button on the login page to complete this step.
If you are unable to complete these steps, please contact us for assistance.